Sunday, July 31, 2011

Banana Meringue Pie

Most people have heard of banana cream pie but I 
have always enjoyed a meringue topped  pie instead.
Instead of milk for the filling, I use water, eggs and cornstarch.
 Pie crust ingredients: 
1 and 1/4 cups flour
1/4 tsp. salt
1 tsp. sugar
1/3 cup shortening or cold butter
5 TB.  cold water
 I roll my pie crust between two sheets of plastic wrap
 Here is a new way, I have found, to keep crust from
bubbling up during baking.  Pierce crust, with fork
about 6 times, then place another pie dish on top.
Bake at 400 degrees for 12 minutes.
 Pie filling;
3 TB. flour
3 TB. cornstarch
1 cup of sugar
1 and 1/2 cups water
Stir ingredients on medium high heat until it boils.
 Take about 1/4 cup of mixture and put into bowl with
3 whisked egg yolks.  Stir quickly and put back
into pot and cook for 2 minutes on medium heat.
Stir constantly.  Take off heat and add 1 tsp. vanilla,
2 TB butter, and 4 sliced bananas.
 Put mixture into baked pie crust.
 Meringue recipe:
3 egg whites
1/4 tsp. cream of tartar (optional)
1/2 cup sugar
1/2 tsp. vanilla
Beat egg whites and cream of tarter until frothy
then slowly add sugar until stiff peaks appear. 
Stir in vanilla and spoon onto pie.
Put pie in oven at 350 degrees for about 15 minutes and pie is light brown.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Ham and Broccoli Casserole

  Ingredients:  1 cup pasta rigate
                      3/4 cup shaped, chopped ham
                      1 cup cooked brocoli
                     White sauce:
                      2 TB butter
                      2 TB flour
                      1 and 1/2 cups milk
                      1 cup mozzarella cheese
                      Salt, pepper, and 1tsp. onion powder

 Combine cooked pasta, broccoli, and ham
 Melted butter to start a roux
 Add 2 TB of flour to the melted butter and cook on 
medium heat for two minutes, stirring with wisk
 Add milk slowly to roux and cook until thick, about 
eight minutes, then add cheese.  Season when finished.
 Pour sauce into bowl with other ingredients
 Put mixture into baking pan and cook at 350 degrees
for about 25 minutes.
Serves four

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Bean and Vegetable Soup

                 Recipe:       Two stalks of celery
                                    Two, large, peeled carrots
                                    Two red potatoes, cubed
                                    One can of tomato sauce
                                    One can of garbanzo beans
                                    One can of dark red navy beans
                                    One tsp. basil
                                    One tsp. onion powder
                                    Two Tb. cornstarch
                                    salt and pepper
                Directions :  Chop vegetables and place in a
                                    pot filled with two cups of boiling
                                    water.  Turn down to medium
                                    and cook until tender.
               Mix cornstarch with 1/4 cup water to dissolve.
              Put cornstarch, tomato sauce, and beans into pot.
              Bring to boil and then take off the heat.  Add
              spices and let cool in bowls for about 15 min.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Eggplant Mozzarella Bake

Recipe:  1 Eggplant, peeled, sliced and sweated
             3 eggs, wisked
             Mixture of flour, breadcrumbs, onion powder, salt
             and itlalian seasoning
             Favorite pasta sauce
             Favorite shredded mozzarella
             1.Salt the peeled slices of eggplant and let stand on
                paper towels at least a half hour.
             2. Rinse eggplant and pat dry with paper towels.
             3. Place slices in wisked eggs and dip in
                 flour/breadcrumbs mixture.
             4. Fry slices at about medium high heat until
                 golden brown.
             5. Layer the baking dish with pasta sauce,
                 eggplant slices, mozzerella, and repeat.
             6. Bake at 375, in a 7 by 8 dish,for about
                 15 to 20 minutes.

 Sliced eggplant, whisked eggs, flour & breadcrumbs
 Layer your favorite pasta sauce in dish
 Fried eggplant

Serves four